TRUE - Transforming Universities (abgeschlossen 2012)


  • funded by the European Science Foundation/DFG


  • 2009 - 2012 (completed)


  • Prof. Dr. Georg Krücken
  • Žarko Dragšić
  • Peter Kretek

in brief

The aim of TRUE was to clarify how steering and governance have affected organisational characteristics of higher education institutions and how this has affected the differentiation of the European higher education landscape.

The transformation has been analysed by means of three perspectives:

  1. universalism assumes that universities are specific organisations;
  2. instrumentalism assumes that universities are just like any kind of organisation; and
  3. institutionalism assumes that the crucial question is the fit between the norms and values of universities and reformers.

TRUE had three interrelated themes: governance and steering, organisational change and the higher education landscape.

The German project conducted at INCHER-Kassel focused on the international comparative analysis of the roles, tasks and self-understanding of university councils, taking into account the different institutional types and their strategic positioning in the organizational field.

Project Output

Kretek, Peter; Dragsic, Zarko (2012): Hochschulräte in der Universitäts-Governance – Was bestimmt ihre Rolle und Wirkmächtigkeit? In: Uwe Wilkesmann und Christian Schmid (Hg.): Hochschule als Organisation. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, S. 113–129.

Kretek, Peter; Dragsic, Zarko; Kehm, Barbara M. (2011): Transformation der Universitätsgovernance in Europa - Die Rolle der externen Hochschulratsmitglieder. Paper für das INCHER-Forschungskolloquium, 04. Juli 2011. Kassel. (unver. Manuskr.).

Kretek, Peter; Dragsic, Zarko; Kehm, Barbara M. (2013): Transformation of University Governance: on the Role of University Board Members. In: Higher Education 65 (1), S. 39–58. DOI: 10.1007/s10734-012-9580-x.