ServiceDesk Gebäude

The ServiceDesk is your central point of contact for all issues relating to the buildings and the associated infrastructure of the University of Kassel. With our qualified ServiceDesk staff, we offer you a competent service.


Mon-Sun: 00:00 h - 24:00 h

You can reach the extension -7777 24 hours a day. Outside normal working hours or if the extension is busy, the call will be forwarded to the security staff and recorded there.

Create ticket message

Alternatively, you can use the web form to create a ticket at any time

Create ticket message : Forward

The ServiceDesk accepts the following messages:

  • Operational faults (defective heating/doors/WC system/sockets, power failure, water damage, ...)
  • Damage reports around the building (defective downpipes/shading, damage to roof and stairs, ...)
  • Repair work (furniture, adjusting windows and doors, door locks, ...)
  • Maintenance of open spaces
  • Requests/complaints Cleaning
  • Winter service
  • Disposal/transport/removals
  • Infrastructure-related reports (office signage, work safety information notices, lighting, etc.)
  • Malfunctions in the area of media technology (defective projector/microphone/speakers, ...)
  • Reports regarding accident hazards (tripping hazards, danger of slipping, danger of falling, ...)
  • other


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