Gender in Teaching

The QSL project Gender in Teaching sensitises and qualifies students, lecturers, and employees of the University of Kassel for the topics of gender and diversity. It aims to show how gender equality, equal opportunities and anti-discrimination can be advanced in teaching and learning contexts. In this way it contributes to improving studying conditions.
The project can be roughly divided into four fields of action:
- University Didactics
- STEM Subjects
- Quality Management
- Teacher Training
Support for Gender- and Diversity-Sensitive Teaching
One focus of the project is the training of tutors in gender and diversity aspects of their teaching-learning contexts. The project offers inputs as part of tutor qualifications in the departments.
In addition, the brochure Gender- und Diversitykompetent ins Tutorium (Gender and Diversity Competence for Tutors) offers a variety of tips, information and suggestions (not only) for tutors.
Various events are part of the project, often in collaboration with the faculties and other institutions. You can find event announcements under “News” and in the newsletter of the Equality Unit.
Past events (selection):
- Fachtag „Vielfalt ermöglichen – Gender und Diversity in Studium und Lehre an der Uni Kassel“ (Symposium "Enabling Diversity - Gender and Diversity in Studying and Teaching at the University of Kassel)
- Forum „same same but different“
- Ringvorlesung Geschlechterforschung im MINT-Bereich (Lecture series on gender studies in STEM)
- „Gender, Diversity & MINT! - Ein Crash Kurs“ (Gender, Diversity & STEM! A crash course"
- Veranstaltungsreihe „Vielfalt mitdenken!“ (Event series "Thinking about diversity!")
- „Umgang mit antifeministischen Störungen in Lehrveranstaltungen“ (Dealing with anti-feminist disruptions in classes)
The project “Gender in Teaching” is part of the Equality Office and cooperates with different actors of the university. The project originated from the initiative "GENDERkompetent: Gender in die Lehre hessischer Hochschulen"of the Landeskonferenz der hessischen Hochschulfrauenbeauftragten (LaKoF) [german].
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