Klaus Harpprecht
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In 1990, the writer and publicist Klaus Harpprecht assumed the Brothers Grimm Visiting Professorship at the University of Kassel.
As a writer, as a demanding journalist, as an essayist and as a scientifically working author, the program of this guest professorship particularly suits Harpprecht.
He is also held in high esteem in Kassel because of his large biography of Georg Forster, to whom the Kassel University feels a special bond.

Klaus Harpprecht, born in Stuttgart on April 11, 1927, now lives in France. After his studies, he was first an editor at Christ und Welt, then at RIAS in Berlin. In the 1960s, he also turned to the medium of film and television, produced documentaries for WDR, and finally went to the U.S. for ZDF, where he also wrote several books. He addressed contemporary history for television in series such as ZEUGEN DES JAHRHUNDERTS (D 1979-2004 and 2014-present) and DIALOG (D 1967-1970). In 1970, he not only dedicated a sensational TV documentary to Willy Brandt, but also worked as an international advisor and ghostwriter during his chancellorship. From 1966/67, Harpprecht was publishing director of the S. Fischer publishing house and editor of the magazine Der Monat. From the 1970s onward, he lived and worked in America again - with the exception of an interlude as editor-in-chief of GEO magazine - until he moved to France altogether in 1982.
GPP event series with Klaus Harpprecht

Klaus Harpprecht began his series of Grimm lectures with the question, "Are we a nation - should we be?" "Thomas Mann and the Germans" was the general heading over Harpprecht's lectures, which continued in detail: "Unpolitical Conservative: A German Attitude?", "Attitude to Life: Chronic Romanticism", "The Suffering of Reason", "The Difficult Love for the Republic" and "No German Europe - a European Germany".