Eva Demski
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Eva Demski repeatedly turns to themes of contemporary history and the present in her texts. She delivers - in a consistently well-considered literary-artistic style - analytically precise diagnoses of our living conditions and our often little-considered ways of thinking and feeling. The sovereign irony with which Eva Demski often exposes the falsehoods she takes aim at is not the least appealing aspect of her work. The fact that, for all her palpable pleasure in storytelling, she also tries out different and new narrative methods can be experienced by the reader as a very special quality of her works.

Eva Demski was born in Regensburg in 1944. She studied German, art history and philosophy in Mainz and Freiburg, and after graduating worked as a dramaturgy assistant and for various publishing houses. Since 1977 she has lived in Frankfurt am Main as a freelance journalist and writer. She has written for television, essays, and has worked as a translator and editor. In particular, however, she is known as a novelist.