Sibylle Lewitscharoff
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"In her literature, she combines irony, wit and poetic approaches to the world that we have not been able to find in German literature since Romanticism." Born in Stuttgart in 1954 to a Bulgarian father and German mother, she has published mainly novels, short stories and essays since 1994. Her only drama to date, Vor dem Gericht, received its world premiere in May 2012 at Mannheim's National Theater. Her highly acclaimed novel Blumenberg was published in 2011 and is about a fictional lion by the Münster philosopher Hans Blumenberg. Lewitscharoff has repeatedly reflected theoretically on her poetic work, most recently in Vom Guten. Wahren und Schönen - Frankfurter und Züricher Poetikvorlesungen (2012). In addition, the author has also gained recognition as an illustrator of her own works.

GPP event series with Sibylle Lewitscharoff
In the summer semester 2013, the Kassel Grimm Professor held her events from Tuesday, 6/11, to Thursday, 6/13, each at 6:00 pm. [The seminar on Wednesday 6/10 was at 4:00 p.m.] On 6/11 she spoke about her new "Dante" project, on Wednesday she led a seminar on questions of style and ethical principles of writing, and on Thursday she read from the novel Blumenberg. All events were open to the public and took place in the lecture hall of the Kunsthochschule (34121 Kassel, Menzelstraße 13, Nordbau).