Doris Dörrie
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Doris Dörrie as Grimm Poetics Professor 2022 in Kassel
- Stefanie Kreuzer | Status: July 2022 -
Events within the framework of the Grimm Poetics Professorship in Summer Semester 2022
Wed, July 6, 2022
6-8 p.m. | Campus Center
(Lecture Hall II)
public poetics lecture:
"Why tell?"
Thurs, July 7, 2022
2pm-4pm | (by appointment)
Poetics Seminar for Kassel Students:
"Why Be in the World?"
6-8 p.m. | Campus Center
(Lecture Hall I)
public reading from
The Heroine Travels (2022) with film clips:
"Why be on the road?"
Doris Dörrie (b. 1955) was originally scheduled to receive the Kassel Grimm Poetics Professorship in 2020. However, due to the Corona pandemic, the GPP events have been postponed to SoSe 2022.
Poster for Doris Dörrie's
Grimm Poetics Professorship 2022

Grimm Poetics Professor 2022: Doris Dörrie
Doris Dörrie (* 1955) has been awarded the Kassel Grimm Poetics Professorship in 2022.
Since the success of her relationship comedy MÄNNER (D 1985), Doris Dörrie has been considered "Germany's most successful[ ] director", according to the much-quoted headline in Der Spiegel.[1] To date, she has directed almost forty feature films and documentaries, often also writing screenplays for cinema and television. Examples of this are, in chronological order, BIN ICH SCHÖN? (D 1998), ENLIGHTENMENT GUARANTEED (D 1999), NACKT (D 2002), KIRSCHBLÜTEN - HANAMI (D 2008), DIE FRISEUSE (D 2010), KLIMAWECHSEL (D 2010), ALLES INKLUSIVE (D 2014), GRÜSSE AUS FUKUSHIMA (D 2016) and KIRSCHBLÜTEN & DÄMONEN (D 2019). In the year of her Grimm Poetics Professorship, FREIBAD (D 2022) will premiere and be released in September.
Her films have won quite a few awards, including German Film Awards (1986), Bavarian Film Awards (1998, 2008, 2012), the Grimme Award (2011), and Max Ophüls (Honorary) Awards (1984, 2018). In 2019 she has been appointed as a member to the Oscar Academy to vote on the awarding of the 'Oscars'.
But Doris Dörrie is not only known as a director. With more than two dozen book publications, she has now come into equal public focus as an author. In 2003, she was awarded the German Book Prize for her autobiographical novel Das blaue Kleid (2002), in which she deals with the sudden death of her husband, colleague and cameraman Helge Weindler. Janet Schayan has aptly stated:
"Today, feature writers argue whether she is better at writing books or making films. The answer is simple: Doris Dörrie can do both."[2]
Since 1997, Doris Dörrie has also been a professor of "Applied Dramaturgy and Material Development" at the University of Television and Film in Munich. With her book Leben, schreiben, atmen (2019), she conveys impulses for creative writing - in accordance with the subtitle Eine Einladung zum Schreiben - to a larger readership as well. In her current (travel) book Die Heldin reist (2022), she gives an autobiographical account of stays and encounters in the USA, Japan, and Morocco over the past decades.
[1] Fabienne Liptay, as editor of the first German-language volume on director Doris Dörrie, also cites Spiegel. Cf. Fabienne Liptay: Preface. In: Fabienne Liptay (ed.): Doris Dörrie. Munich: edition text + kritik 2014 (= Film Concepts 36). P. 3 f. P. 3.
[2] The quote is on Doris Dörrie's author page at Diogenes Verlag: