FAQ's about the study

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Selection into concentrations is based on your course registrations with HisPos.

IMPORTANT: As soon as you have registered for the examination in a specialization,

this is considered as a binding choice of the focus, which cannot be revised!

Please note that you must have completed your coursework within 4 semesters (two academic years), otherwise you may be exmatriculated. If you need support in planning your course of study, please contact the Student Advisory Service.

You only have to hand in a medical certificate if you are requested to do so by the examination office. This can be the case from the second sick note for an examination.


The costs for an official medical certificate must be borne by you.

Veronica Krawiec is the module supervisor for the module Internship in the Master Psychology. Concerns regarding this should be sent by email to: Praktikum_MScPsych@uni-kassel.de (Veronika Krawiec).

More information about the Master Psychology internship can be found here: 


If you are interested in a stay abroad, we recommend the last two semesters of your study program. 

The module supervisors will gladly recognize modules completed abroad as soon as they have similar content to our modules. However, please contact before your stay abroad to discuss the recognition with the relevant professors .

You are welcome to find information on how to help you prepare for your stay abroad here: https://www.uni-kassel.de/uni/studium/psychologie-master/im-studium/auslandsaufenthalt  or via the International Office . Please allow approximately one year for preparation.

The students of the bachelor's program in psychology in Kassel learn how to use R. R is also the official statistics program in the master's program. Among other things, this comes into play in the master's thesis. If you have not used R before, we usually offer an R tutorial for you.

To round off your studies, we also offer an introductory course in SPSS, which you can attend voluntarily. This is not part of the regular curriculum.

If you aspire to start a psychological psychotherapeutic training after graduating from the M.Sc. Psychology, the possibilities depend on the state examination office in which you want to do your psychotherapy training (psychological psychotherapist or child and adolescent psychotherapist) since a court decision. Until now, under the transitional regulation until 2032, it is possible to do a psychological psychotherapeutic training with a Master in Psychology from the University of Kassel in Hesse. Within our Master's program, you can also acquire additional credits in the clinical area beyond the 5 ECTS in Module 3 "Clinical Psychology"(lectures of the Master's in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, not the seminars) in order to come to a certain number of credits required for your desired training institute.

Please inquire individually at the responsible state examination office in a preliminary inquiry which training you can do(list of state examination offices). The responsible state is the one in which you would like to start your training as a psychological psychotherapist. In the preliminary inquiry, state both your bachelor's degree and your future master's degree and clarify whether additional credits may apply. Please have the information provided in writing and keep it until the licensure examination.

The Psychotherapists Act on the Internet can be found here.


You may be granted an official semester off during your first semester only under certain circumstances:

  • In the case of an illness that precludes proper study. The illness and its expected duration must be certified by a doctor. 
  • for the period of maternity or parental leave (appropriate proof must be attached - birth certificate / maternity passport). 

Further information on leave of absence.