Summer semester 2018
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The Department of Organic Agricultural Sciences honored its graduates on July 13, 2018. 80 students graduated in the summer 2018 semester. The awardees:were:
- Very Good BSc-dual (Hacker Foundation): Michell Agethen
- Very good BSc (University Association): Annika Jäckel
- Very good non-European BSc thesis: Louise Gilbert
- Very good MSc: Matthias Wengert
- Very good MSc IFBC: Stampa, Ekaterina
They have successfully completed their studies:
Name | Thesis | Supervisor 1 | Supervisor 2 |
Agethen, Michelle | Innovative housing systems in organic steer fattening | Ivemeyer | Knierim |
Ahlert, Maximilian | Swing Riots - What were the causes of the Swing Riots | Troßbach | Riemer |
Aurnhammer, now Hoogendam, Anna | School farms in Germany and their educational offer | v. Elsen | Hethke |
Bayerle, Benjamin | Economic analysis of the establishment of the organic garlic production under Bavarian climatic and general conditions | Siegmeier | Jahnke, Benedikt |
Bohn, Lea | An analysis to identify the key factors for a successful establishment and management of an organic food truck business | Möller | Behrendt |
Dorprigter, Lena | Points of view for the implementation of action pedagogy with animals on the farm Königsgrund | van Elsen | Ivemeyer |
Elsbernd, Colin | Potentials of substrate supply for bio-biogas plants within the crop rotation considering system effects | Grass | Siegmeier |
Fick, Manoel | 25 years of environmentally sound land use in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Rhön - Influence of agrarian and environmental policy measures on the agricultural structure in the subarea Schwarze Berge | Schleyer | Mittelstrass |
Forester, Florian | Optimized land cover in a long-term trial at the Hessian State Domain Frankenhausen - conception of possible undersowing in four crop rotation systems | Schulz | Kössler |
Gebhardt, Kornelia | An analysis of factors influencing the movement towards sustainability through agriculture at an orphanage village in South Africa | Wiehle | Ngcoya |
Gilbert, Louise | Influence of cosubstrate shoots of Hylocereus undatos on gas production during anaerobic digestion of wastewater from pig production using small-scale biogas plants in Yucatán, Mexico as an example | Grass | Wiehle |
Hartmann, Theresa | Making ugly food beautiful: Marketing of suboptimal food in the retail sector - a review | Hamm | Stöhr |
Herrmann, Sven | Wage levels and farm structures of part-time dairy goat farming in Germany | Krutzinna | Möller |
Horn, Leonie Helene | Design of information boards for the Hessian State Domain Frankenhausen | Heß | Reinisch |
Jacobs, Leonie | Chances and risks of an online store in the direct marketing of an agricultural business using the example of Knofi & so in Unterrieden | Hamm | Siegmeier |
Jäkel, Annika | Effects of generation, system and population on early seedling traits of three winter wheat composite cross populations in organic and conventional farming systems | Finckh | Bhaskar |
Krafft, Amelie | Recommendation of animal-related indicators for on-farm self-monitoring of animal welfare in dairy sheep production | Knierim | Sporkmann |
Krah, Judith | Ecological Armageddon? -to Population and Species Development of Insects in Lower Saxony | Krutzinna | O. Boecking |
Krebs, Johann | The influence of a herb- or grass-emphasized pasture on the activity of fattening calves | Knierim | Kerstin Barth |
Ludwig, Lea Luise | Site specific variation in StockingRate and Density under Holistic Grazing Management on a Namibian livestock farm | Hülsebusch | Rahmann |
Lüttkopf, Arnulf | "Albrecht Daniel Thaer and Johann Heinrich von Thünen - Two important historical farmers also from the perspective of organic farming?" | Troßbach | Heß |
Mangold, Katja Bahini | Investigations of wine samples from 2014 of the two cultivation variants organic-organic and biodynamic with image-creating methods | Fritz | Heß |
Matull, Katharina | Effects of concentrate-free and concentrate-reduced feeding in dairy cows on health and performance | Krutzinna | Ivemeyer |
Michaelis, Enrico | Effects of crop cultivation and N-fertilization on soil properties in a factorial experiment | Ludwig | Gunina |
Müller, Michel | The effect of tannins in the forage ration on mineralization of goat manure in a soil incubation experiment as a function of ph and organic carbon | Ingold | Bürkert |
Mülich, Paul | Approaches to fattening male calves from organic dairy farming on the birth farm or on organically managed partner farms | Ivemeyer | Knierim |
Philipp, Alexander | Special features of Wagyu breeding | King of Borstel | Gieseke |
Reinhard-Kolempa, Marilena | Nitrogen dynamics in organic potato cultivation under transfer mulch - comparison of two mulch types from green manures | Young, Stephan | Bruns |
Richter, Florian | What are the possibilities of NIR spectroscopy in quality control of organically grown cereals? | Ludwig | Bruns |
Riedesel, Joana | Rearing systems in comparison - Investigation of dairy cows and their calves using KTBL animal welfare indicators on organic farms (joint project) | Zipp | Herrmann |
Ruf, Manuel | Investigation of N-dynamics of laying hen runs on five organic farms with different run management systems | Heß | Deerberg |
Rüdiger, Johannes | Effect of feed-free/ -reduced feeding on metabolic diseases and fertility in dairy cattle | Krutzinna | Ivemeyer |
Schnecker, Leonie | Comparison of rearing systems - Investigation of dairy cows and their calves using KTBL animal welfare indicators on organic farms (joint project) | Zipp | Herrmann |
Schulze, Lena | Stores without Packaging - Qualitative Analysis of Motivations, Challenges and Future Perspectives for Founders of German Unpackaged Shops | Zander | Herzig |
Stremme, Gwendolin | Evaluation of different biomasses regarding their use for dairy cattle feeding and their gas yields when used as biogas substrate | Graß | Hensgen |
Winterfeldt, Meike Berit | Year-round free-range management of suckler cows - challenges and possible solutions | Ivemeyer | Knierim |
Name | Thesis | Supervisor 1 | Supervisor 2 |
Höhn, Daniel | Challenges of the dairy sector in Cantabria | Thiel | Möller |
Kunz, Stefanie | Contribution of animal husbandry to the diversification of the income of the rural population in the SAVA region of Madagascar | Bad | Barkmann |
Lempp, Urban | Screening and evaluation of 14 open-pollinated kale cultivars (Brassica oleracea ssp. Capitata convar.acephala var.sabellica) in comparison to a FI hybrid variety as reference FI hybrid at 2 locations. | Backes | Finckh |
Schulz, Lisa | Assessing marbling of beef comparing US and German standardized cuts of M. longissimus dorsi in the slaughter line | Sundrum | Kieger |
Wengert, Matthias | Estimation of Forage Quality in Grassland using UAV-based Hyperspectral Measurements | Möckel | Wachendorf |
Wollermann, Fiona | Comparative case study of the organizational structures of the rural populations of of Catalonia and Aragón 1936 - 1939 | Troßbach | Krikser |
Name | Thesis | Supervisor 1 | Supervisor 2 |
Abou Fakhr, Razan Rozana | Sustainability in the Hospitality Sectors: The challenges and the gaps | Herzig | Küster |
Stampa, Ekaterina | not open to the public | Hamm | Bald |
Fülöp, Lili | Consumer sustainable behavior, knowledege and the effect of sustainablility on specialty coffee shops in Hungary | Quadt | Stefanovic, Lilliana |
Gao, Lu | Prospects and limitations of bio-enrichment of plant food with vitamin B12, with rapeseed presscake as an example | Gap | Pichner |
Jamil, Tooba | Developing a framework for documentation of organic food system case studies | Kahl | Strassner |
Omotto Maito, Ana Paula | Study of the organic food production in Brazil: analysis of certified organic producers and products | Hamm | Prof. Janssen |
Pina, Adriana | Sustainability in the Hospitality Sectors: The challenges and the gaps | Herzig | Küster |
Sambur, Juliia | Understanding of consumer preferences for wine and sausage pairings | Quadt | Page |
Sari, Isabella Kartika | Attitude toward Tempeh consumption among in Germany based on the Food Choise Study | Ploeger | Gap |
Sikorska, Aleksandra | Optimization of three spice blends | Quadt | Page, Louisa |
Vu Thi Thu, Hang | Consumer profile of organic frozen food shoppers in Germany using Homescan data | Hamm | Kahl |
Name | Thesis | Supervisor 1 | Supervisor 2 |
Azeez, Olayinka Sikiru | Integrating Agricultural Production and Biodiversity Conservation around Protected Areas: Analysis of the Perception of Stakeholders in Mount Cameroon National Park | Juhrbandt | Wollni |
Beushausen, Wiebke | Looking behind the scences of food security indicators: Links between homegarden food production and diet composition in rural Limpopo, South Africa | Rötter | Fichtler |
Bringhenti, Thomas | Plant Species Compostion and Diversity of Homegardens in Limpopo, South Africa; Status and Exploration of Determining Factors | Rötter | Cook |
Canas, Sofia Teresa | Are photosynthesis and stomata co-regulated under deficiencies of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sulfur? | Balint Jakli | |
Dhamotharan, Saranya | Perception and attidude of consumers towards spirulina-fed poultry meat in Germany | Brianne Altmann | Möhrlein |
Farajpour Javazmi, Azadeh | Statistical genetic analysis of behavioral characteritics and association with performance traits in pigs | Simianer | Lindhorst |
Hameed, Abid | Relevance of Potassium - Magnesium Ratio for the Formation of Quality Parameters in Potatoes | Pawelzik | Cook |
Klu, Joycelyn | Achieving Food Security: The Role of Women in Agriculture and their challenges. The Case of Central Gonja District, Northern Region Ghana | Knerr | |
Kumar, Avinash | Impact of drying on quality of air dried organic carrots | Hensel | |
Lipfert, Fabian | Energy production rom European semi-natural grassland biomass: Comparison of whole crop degestion and IFBB | Wachendorf | |
Range, Berndt Krischan | Productivity Analysis of Urban Livestock Producers in Ouagadougou, Furkina Faso | Roessler | Bad |
Rapp, Charlotte | Assessing agroecological resources as a basis to design strategies to promote biodiversity and agroecosystem functioning - the example of farm Froidefontaine | Finckh | |
Rosskopf, Ulla | CO2-and gaseous N-emissions in irrigated agriculture of urban Bangalore, India | Bürkert | |
Schiebenhöfer, Nora | Landuse of Ejidos in Mexico: Agricultural crops in the context of autonomy and hegemonic structures | Knerr | |
Sarfo, Jacob | Effects of Wild Foods and Food Interventions in reducing the Minimum Cost of Diet using Linear Programming Modelling: A case study of Turkana in Kenya | Pawelzik | Keding |
Sarfo, Yaw | Loan Officer Rotation and Credit Access: The Case of Some Selected Communities in Rural and Urban Madagascar | Mußhoff | Weber |
Sun, Diqiu | Nesting habit and genetic divergence of Drepanotermes perniger in Western Australia | Shy | Brenig |
Wolf, Valentin Luis Fredrik | Cocoa agroforestry as climate change adaptation along a climate gradient in Ivory Coast-Farmers perceptions and interventions | Rötter | Fichtler |
Wulfheide, Maximilian | Mortality, mobility and use of habitat of grey partridges in the county of Göttingen | Gottschalk | Tscharntke |
Name | Thesis | Supervisor 1 | Supervisor 2 |
Boubaker, Badis | The impact of new technologies on emulsions | Christian Pineau | Marc Birringer |
Chang, Ching-Yu | Evaluate the environmental impact and profitability of using organic soil enhancers in farming | Christian Pineau | Philippe Fleury |