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Info event: "Career goal 'Something with media'?"
Organized by LPR Hessen in cooperation with the Career Service
What is it about?
Something to do with the media' is as popular a career aspiration as it is unspecific. The media' encompasses a wide range of areas and today offers a large number of very different fields of work and professions. We will introduce some of them to you in short impulses.
Four experienced media makers report from their everyday working lives, provide information about necessary qualifications and 'skills' and explain how to get started in the profession:
- JOURNALISM - Alexandra Pitronik, RTL Studio Kassel
- PR/MARKETING - Mary Gajewski, Mercedes, Kassel
- SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGMENT - Lars Bossemeyer, Y-Site, social media agency, Kassel
- MEDIA EDUCATION - Philipp Buchholtz, medienblau, Kassel
After the 4 short inputs from the media makers, there will be an opportunity for questions and answers and for discussions. Please find attached the event flyers in various file formats for digital distribution. We would appreciate it if you could inform the students of FB 02 about the event in the ways that are relevant to you. Registration is available through Career Services: amp;tx_ukevents_items%5Baction%5D=show amp;tx_ukevents_items%5Bcontroller%5D=Event amp;cHash=684060ed592634285f287d6066a3fef7&&&