Bachelor's degree programs
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Our Bachelor's degree courses always start in the winter semester.
Exceptions are the degree courses in Fine Arts, Organic Agriculture, Electrical Engineering and Vocational Education - Electrical Engineering, which also start in the summer semester .
Subject Groups:
Law, economics and social sciences
Mathematics, natural sciences
Linguistics and cultural studies
- English and American Culture and Business Studies / Anglistik, Amerikanistik und Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- English and American Studies / Anglistik und Amerikanistik (Kombinationsbachelor)
- German Studies (Combined Bachelor)
- History (Combined Bachelor)
- International language and cultural mediation
- Culture and Economy/French Studies
- Culture and Economy/Hispanic Studies
- Art Science
- Sustainability communication
- Philosophy (Combined Bachelor)
- Philosophy - Sustainability - Criticism
Agricultural Sciences
- Architecture (NC)
- Civil Engineering
- Electrical engineering
- Landscape architecture and landscape planning
- Sustainable electrotechnical systems
- Sustainable materials and processes
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronics
- plusMINT (STEM orientation phase + focus study).
- Urban and regional planning (NC)
- Technomathematics
- Environmental Engineering
- Industrial Engineering