General information about the introduction and the start of the study
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Further offers
Further information can be found here:"Welcome Week for International Students"
To mark the start of your studies at the University of Kassel, we would like to invite you to the Welcome Dinner on Wednesday, October 9 at 6 pm in the Zentralmensa at Holländischer Platz.
You can look forward to a lovely evening with delicious pasta from the Studierendenwerk (also vegan or vegetarian), live music and a pub quiz with great prizes to be won. Admission costs 6 euros, which should be paid in cash at the entrance. There is only a limited number of places. Prior registration is therefore required: Registration
Information stand of the General Student Advisory Service
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 14 - 16.10.24, 09.45 - 12.30 Campus Center, Foyer
First semester consultation hour of the General Student Advisory Service
Wednesday and Thursday, 16-17.10.24, 13.-16.00 in the Campus Center, 3rd floor, room 3109
Date: 16.10.2024
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Location: Student House, first floor, Universitätsplatz 10, 34127 Kassel
The Autonomous Parents' Office invites you:
The "Family Welcome Day" is an introductory event for students with child(ren) from all faculties of the University of Kassel. On this day, we want to explain and introduce you to the various offers on the subject of reconciling family and studies. Among other things, we will discuss counseling services, supportive measures in the area of studies and the family-supporting infrastructure (parent-child rooms, changing facilities, canteen services, etc.). Representatives of the Studierendenwerk Kassel (childcare and social counseling), the Family Welcome Services of the University of Kassel and also the hosts of the Autonomous Parents' Department of the AStA will be on site and introduce themselves. Of course there will be enough time for your questions! Children can of course be brought along. We are currently checking whether childcare can be offered in the immediate vicinity.
- 10:00 a.m. Open arrival and getting to know each other
- 10:30 a.m. Presentation: Studierendenwerk Kassel, Autonomous Parents' Office, Family Welcome Service & questions
- 11:30 a.m. Family-specific campus tour (Holländischer Platz campus)
- 12:30 Optional - Lunch together in the central canteen
We look forward to seeing you!
Dear first semester students,
The winter semester 2024/25 is starting and we look forward to welcoming you all to campus in person. To make it easier for you to start your student life, I, the City of Kassel, the Studierendenwerk, the General Student Committee (AStA) and other important contact points would like to welcome you as first semester students at the University of Kassel. We therefore cordially invite you to attend our first semester welcome event on Wednesday, 16.10.24 at 5 p.m. in the Campus Center, Moritzstr. 18.
We look forward to seeing you!
Prof. Dr. Ute Clement
President of the University of Kassel
In the Study Guides program, first-year students are accompanied by trained students from higher semesters during their first semester on a professional and social level. Further information and registration at
The Service Center Studies and Disability has set itself the goal of supporting the university in its efforts to reduce barriers for students and promote the diversity of our student body by providing counseling for all students as well as employees and networking with other institutions.
Help and advice is available here:
At the start of the semester, the library at Holländischer Platz offers a weekly library introduction.
You can find the scheduled dates in Campus Event.
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