Legal notice

Address:University of Kassel
Mönchebergstraße 19
34109 Kassel
Phone:+49 561 804-0

The University of Kassel is a corporation under public law and is represented by its President Prof. Dr. Ute Clement.

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according to § 27 a VAT law: DE 113057055
Areas of responsibility:The individual facilities, Faculties, Institutes and departments of the University of Kassel are responsible for the creation and maintenance of their own websites. The heads of the institutions are responsible for the respective content.
Copyright notice:Please note that all texts, images and graphics as well as their arrangements - unless otherwise indicated - were created by the University of Kassel itself and are subject to copyright protection. They may not be copied, modified or used on other websites. We hereby agree to the use of the generally accessible texts by third parties - even in extracts - only on condition that the University of Kassel is named as the author. The use of other content, such as images and graphics, is not permitted. However, if you are interested in a right of use, please contact the above address.
Data protection notice:see privacy policy
DisclaimerThe news on this website has been checked for content, origin and truth with the care required under the circumstances. No guarantee is given for the completeness, accuracy or up-to-dateness of the information provided, nor for its availability at all times. Liability for damages arising from the use or non-use of the information provided on this website or the accessing or downloading of data or the installation or use of downloaded software is excluded to the extent permitted by law.
Liability for links
and references

This website contains links to third-party websites over whose content the University of Kassel has no influence. These links merely provide access to the use of third-party content in accordance with § 8 of the German Telemedia Act.

Those responsible for the content have checked the third-party content for possible civil or criminal liability when the link to another website was first created. As soon as it is determined that a specific offer to which a link has been provided triggers civil or criminal liability, the reference to this offer will be removed immediately, insofar as this is technically possible and reasonable.

Information on online dispute resolutionThe EU Commission provides an internet platform for the online settlement of disputes (so-called "ODR platform") in accordance with Art. 14 para. 1 ODR Regulation (EU Regulation No. 524/2013). The ODR platform serves as a contact point for the out-of-court settlement of disputes concerning contractual obligations arising from online purchase contracts. The customer can access the ODR platform via the following link: http: //