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W2 professorship (tenure track) "Art and Economies" - Department of Social Sciences

initially for a fixed term of six years with the possibility of permanent transfer to a W2 professorship in the event of a (tenure) evaluation.

Application deadline:


Start of recruitment:

at the earliest possible date

Reference number:


Applications to:


The State of Hesse, the City of Kassel, documenta und Museum Fridericianum gGmbH and the University of Kassel have agreed to establish a documenta Institute at the site of the world art exhibition, which takes place every five years. The aim is to establish an independent academic institution with international visibility that will take the history and present of documenta as a starting point for transdisciplinary research projects. Under the thematic bracket of the "exhibition" as a form of self-thematization of society, the relationships between art and society, art and knowledge as well as art and economy are to be analytically explored. The documenta Institute is largely based on the holdings of the documenta archiv and fully integrates them. It is to become a leading research institute and cultural meeting place between the documenta exhibitions for an international audience as well as for the citizens of the region.


In order to make this concept possible, three professorships in the fields of humanities and cultural studies, social sciences and architecture, urban planning and landscape planning will be advertised in addition to an existing documenta professorship at the Kunsthochschule. For all professorships, a secondary membership in the Kunsthochschule and participation in the planned interdepartmental Center for Exhibition Studies at the University of Kassel is expected. The duties also include teaching in the degree programs of the respective department and the Kunsthochschule, participation in the area of structured doctoral training and involvement in academic self-administration. Experience in the acquisition of third-party funds is highly desirable.


We are looking for people from all academic disciplines with international visibility due to outstanding research contributions and a willingness to engage in transdisciplinary research cooperation. In addition to a doctorate and university teaching experience, the prerequisites for appointment are a habilitation or additional academic achievements in the key areas of the respective call for applications listed below. Applicants are expected to present a concept for innovative research and teaching related to the planned documenta Institute.


The professorship researches and teaches on the intersections between an economy of artistic creation, an economy of discursive valorization, an economy of exhibiting presentation and an economy of art trade pricing. Relevant academic contributions are just as important as contributions from artistic research. Particular attention is paid to the social or art-scientific perspective.


If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Heinz Bude, Department of Sociology (Tel.: 0561/804-2878; bude[at]uni-kassel[dot]de) and Prof. Dr. Nora Sternfeld, Kunsthochschule Kassel (Tel.: 0151/684 04 568; nora.sternfeld[at]uni-kassel[dot]de).


The recruitment requirements and the performance requirements according to §§ 61, 62, 64 of the Hessian Higher Education Act apply.


The University of Kassel is highly interested in the professional satisfaction of its employees. It therefore promotes the compatibility of partnership and family with professional development through its Dual Career Service and its Family Welcome Service. One of the University of Kassel's strategic goals is to significantly increase the proportion of women in research and teaching. Applications from women are therefore particularly welcome. Severely disabled applicants with equal aptitude and qualifications will be given preference. Applications including curriculum vitae, references, certificates, list of academic work, three selected publications, a list of courses and a teaching and research concept should be sent to the President of the University of Kassel, 34109 Kassel or bewerbungen[at]uni-kassel[dot]de, quoting the reference number, also in electronic form, if possible