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Our participating team of teachers is highly interdisciplinary:

The University of Kassel - which contributes to the master's program with professors from the departments of civil, mechanical and electrical engineering, as well as natural sciences and mathematics - has a long research history in the fundamentals, modeling, simulation and structural technology of wind energy systems. Research topics include mathematics, continuum fluid & solid mechanics, structural mechanics, aerodynamics, geotechnics, experimental & computational solid & fluid mechanics, and technological concepts for foundations, rotor blades & wind turbine towers.

The lecturers from Fraunhofer <link www.iee.fraunhofer.de/en.html - external-link "Franhofer IEE">IEE (Kassel) and <link www.iwes.fraunhofer.de/en.html - external-link "Fraunhofer IWES">IWES (Bremerhaven) are pioneers and leading experts in the energy system technology of wind turbines, with a great deal of experience in research and industrial applications. As a member of important wind energy research associations (including DERlab, EUREC, EERA, EAWE), Fraunhofer IEE and IWES have an exceptional level of wind energy expertise. This enables the master's graduates to gain a highly applicable qualification in the field of wind energy systems at an internationally recognized level.

Our interdisciplinary teaching team

The University of Kassel has a long history of research in the structural mechanics of wind energy systems. Research topics here include mathematics, structural mechanics, aerodynamics, geotechnics, experimental and computational solid and fluid mechanics, and technological concepts for wind turbine foundations, rotor blades, and towers.

The lecturers from the Fraunhofer Institutes <link www.iee.fraunhofer.de - external-link "Fraunhofer IEE deutsch">IEE (Kassel) and <link www.iwes.fraunhofer.de - external-link "Fraunhofer IWES deutsch">IWES (Bremerhaven) are pioneers and experts in energy system technology of wind turbines with very large wealth of experience in research and industrial application. As members of important wind energy research institutes (e.g. DERlab, EUREC, EERA, EAWE), the Fraunhofer Institutes IEE and IWES have an outstanding wind energy expertise. This enables our students to further their education in a highly qualified, application-oriented manner and at an internationally recognized level.

"There is a clear need for well-trained engineers in all areas for the fast-growing offshore sector. We want to train engineers specifically for the wind energy sector."

Prof. Dr. Kurt Rohrig. Deputy Director Fraunhofer IEE

" There is a clear need for educated engineers at all levels of the fast-growing on and offshore sectors. We would like to educate qualified engineers for the growing job market in the wind energy sector."

Prof. Dr. Kurt Rohrig. Deputy Director of Fraunhofer IEE