Uni Kassel

Junge Hochschule

Offenheit, Initiative, fächerübergreifendes Denken und Unkonventionalität sind bei uns willkommen - das gilt in Studium, Forschung und Lehre sowie im Bereich Wissenstransfer und Gründung.



Working in Germany

For international students, coming to Germany means relearning how everything works in this country. In this seminar, we will give a brief introduction to the basic things you need to know about working in Germany, and what makes it different.

We will look at:

what kinds of jobs are available,
what basic requirements are necessary for different kinds of jobs,
important terms you will likely encounter,
available resources,
things to keep in mind, and
how to plan your studies for the career you want.

This is a great introductory seminar for new students, and students who are trying to enter the German job market for the first time. It is also a great opportunity to ask general questions about working in Germany.

Lecturer: Juliana Campos Mühlenhoff, Career Service

***This Online-Seminar will be host via Zoom. All registered participants will receive the Zoom link a few hours before the seminar starts.***

Registration here: https://veranstaltungen.uni-kassel.de/event/working-in-germany-2

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Working in Germany

For international students, coming to Germany means relearning how everything works in this country. In this seminar, we will give a brief introduction to the basic things you need to know about working in Germany, and what makes it different.

We will look at:

what kinds of jobs are available,
what basic requirements are necessary for different kinds of jobs,
important terms you will likely encounter,
available resources,
things to keep in mind, and
how to plan your studies for the career you want.

This is a great introductory seminar for new students, and students who are trying to enter the German job market for the first time. It is also a great opportunity to ask general questions about working in Germany.

Lecturer: Juliana Campos Mühlenhoff, Career Service

***This Online-Seminar will be host via Zoom. All registered participants will receive the Zoom link a few hours before the seminar starts.***

Registration here: https://veranstaltungen.uni-kassel.de/event/working-in-germany-2

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