
Prestigious EU funding for experimental physicist

Dr. Daqing Wang, experimental physicist at the University of Kassel, has received a prestigious Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) with a volume of 1.89 million euros. This will fund his research in the field of molecular quantum technology for the next five years.

The photo shows Prof. Dr. Daqing Wang. Photo: private.

In his MSpin project, Dr. Daqing Wang will explore the strategies for detecting and controlling individual nuclear spins in organic molecules and tailor them for applications in quantum information processing. An ambitious goal of his project is to combine the favourable coherent photon emission of dye molecules with the well-isolated quantum states of individual nuclear spins in the molecule to facilitate the storage and transformation of quantum information.

After receiving a bachelor's degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, China, and a master's degree from Friedrich Schiller University, Daqing Wang completed his PhD at Friedrichs-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg and the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Light in 2019. His dissertation on molecular cavity quantum electrodynamics was awarded the Dissertation Prize of the Atoms, Molecules, Quantum Optics and Plasmas Section of the German Physical Society. After his PhD, he worked at the University of Kassel as a postdoctoral researcher and later as a junior principal investigator in the DFG Collaborative Research Centre "Extreme Light for the Analysis and Control of Molecular CHirality" (ELCH) at the University of Kassel and three other research sites in Germany. Wang is also an associate member of the Center of Interdisciplinary Nanoscience and Technology (CINSaT).

This year 397 young scientists received Starting Grants from the European Research Council (ERC). In this context, 619 million euros are invested in outstanding projects by scientists and academics within the framework of the new EU-FuIl programme "Horizon Europe". The grants, averaging €1.5 million, are intended to help ambitious younger researchers launch their own projects, build their teams and pursue their best ideas. The Starting Grants selected cover all research disciplines, from the medical applications of artificial intelligence to the science of controlling matter with light to designing a legal regime for fair influencer marketing. Around 43 percent of the grants will go to female researchers, an increase from 37 percent in 2020 and the highest proportion achieved to date.



Dr. Ronny Fischer

Research and Graduate Funding Unit

Department for International Research Funding (EU Liaison Office)

Phone: 0561 804-2240

Mail: ronny.fischer[at]uni-kassel[dot]de