scientific employee (m/f/d), EG 13 TV-H - laboratory astrophysics
deadline for submission: | 31.08.2019 |
start of recruitment : | 01.11.2019 |
reference number: | 32502 |
applications to: |
This is a part-time position with two thirds of the regular working hours of a full-time position and fixed-term for three years (Qualifikationsstelle gem. § 65 HHG i. V. mit § 2 Abs. 1 Satz 1 WissZeitVG). This position provides the opportunity to earn the doctoral degree in natural sciences.
- Build-up of a molecular beam experiment for optical spectroscopy
- Production and spectroscopic investigation of astrophysically relevant hydrocarbon radicals in the gas phase
- Assistance in teaching activities
Required qualifications:
- An excellent or very good degree in physics (MSc) or a in a similar field of natural sciences
- Profound knowledge in molecular spectroscopy, precision spectroscopy, optical spectroscopy, or a comparable qualification
Advantageous qualifications:
- Experience with laboratory work in experimental physics
- Experience in laser spectroscopy
- A thorough and autonomous working mentality
- Organizing skills
For questions please contact Dr. Matin Kaufmann, phone: 0561-804-4797, mail: m.kaufmann[at]physik.uni-kassel[dot]de.
Protecting your personal information is important to us, so we will handle your personal information with care. If you give us your data, you allow us to store and use them in the sense of the Hessen Data Protection and Freedom of Information Act. You may withdraw your consent at any time and your personal information will consequently be deleted.
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