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01/15/2015 | Pressemitteilung

Personal coaching against exam anxiety

Many students often or occasionally suffer from learning and exam blockages. The University of Kassel, on the other hand, offers a bundle of counseling and help options. Among them is something unusual: one-on-one coaching for students that adopts methods from competitive sports.

In one-on-one discussions with students, a trainer develops ways to overcome test anxiety and low motivation levels in their studies. Small tricks that relieve blockades, frustration or panic attacks are often helpful. This should help those affected through critical phases of their studies and contribute to successful studies overall. The coaching is provided by educationalist Dr. Timo Nolle, who also advises students on learning and examination problems in his own practice. His work is financed by funds from the Teaching Quality Pact and is based at the University's Teaching Service Center. The service is free of charge for students.

Nolle works out a kind of cheat sheet for critical situations with those affected. He developed his concept, among other things, on the basis of the mental training known from competitive sports. Nolle can draw on experience as a trainer for competitive climbers at the German Alpine Club. "Many students, when studying for an exam, imagine that they won't make it. I teach them how to develop the confidence that they will make it," Nolle explains. First, he literally practices with students how fears arise; quite consciously, clients put themselves in such critical situations with his help. "What I know can no longer assault me," says the consultant, who at the same time emphasizes: "It's not about changing your personality, but about passing the exam." Little things help to "program" oneself positively. Nolle recommends students, for example, to use the same pencil in the written exam as they use when studying. Another simple method helps combat the fear of not having studied enough for an exam: After each learning unit, the student throws a piece of paper into a bag. An overflowing bag literally demonstrates that one is very well prepared for an exam.

Nolle's individual coaching complements other offerings at the university that aim in a similar direction. These include workshops - for example on stress management or exam preparation - or the "learning accomplices": students give their fellow students tangible tips on time management and targeted learning. In addition, the University of Kassel has a psychosocial counseling center run by the Student Union, which offers therapeutic help for mental crises, among other things.

Registration for the Individual Coaching runs through the Service Center Teaching:


Appointment notice:

Since test fear or loss of motivation do not only attack students, but also pupils or apprentices have to fight with it, Nolle speaks about it on 20 January with a public meeting. "Pimp my exam - With drive through the stress" is the title of his talk, which - with free admission - starts at 6:15 p.m. on the campus of the university in room R 0219, in Arnold-Bode-Straße 10.


Picture of Dr. Timo Nolle (photo: private) under




Dr. Timo Nolle
Center for Teacher Education
Tel: +49 561 804-3625
E-Mail: tnolle[at]uni-kassel[dot]de