University ambassador:in

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University ambassador:in

Who has the best insight into studying at the University of Kassel? That's right, the students of the University of Kassel themselves. Therefore, no one can better tell prospective students what it feels like to study at the University of Kassel, what content is included in their own course of study, what requirements are made and what else can be part of a varied study time outside of the examination regulations.

Would you like to pass on your experiences from your studies to prospective students? Then become a University Ambassador!

The General Student Advisory Service maintains a pool of University Ambassadors, who, upon request, will tell prospective students about their study selection process and their everyday life as a student at various occasions, e.g. at

  • Information and counseling events
    (e.g. study and career information days, trial studies)
  • Group and school visits
  • Fairs
  • Campus tours
  • Workshops for prospective students

As a Unibotschafter:in, you only attend the appointments on which you have time. This is a voluntary activity, i.e. financial remuneration is not possible through the General Student Advisory Service. Student assistants may be assigned to an appointment after consultation with their supervisor.

What do you get out of it?

The General Student Advisory Service honors volunteer work both ideally and materially: We, as supervisors of the pool, offer opportunities for exciting experiences, opportunities for self-reflection, and exchanges in a convivial setting. To get you started, we offer a one-day training course, which we will of course certify. In addition, we will provide you with a UniKassel shirt and similar UniKasselShop items, which you can of course keep.


If you want to be a part of it, get in touch with

Nils Heise
Phone: 0561/804-2708
Oliver Claves