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04/14/2020 | Berichte aus den Bereichen

The German Health Care System in Light of the Corona Crisis

Prof. Dr. Felix Welti looks at the German healthcare system in the light of the Corona crisis.

Image: Sonja Rode.
Prof. Dr. Felix Welti.

Felix Welti, Professor of Social and Health Law, Law of Rehabilitation and Disability at the University of Kassel, asks in his article in the journal "Social Security" at which points there could be learning processes from experience in and after the crisis. He refers to historical experiences, including after the 1892 cholera epidemic in Hamburg, in the aftermath of which there were changes in water supply and housing construction and the first introduction of empire-wide epidemic control legislation. Welti critically examines the inadequacy of public health services in municipalities and states, hospital financing, unclear responsibilities for crisis prevention, and social inequality in access to health care.

The article appeared in issue 4/2020 of the journal "Soziale Sicherheit," which the publisher makes available for download.