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Easter letter from the Prime Minister of Hesse, Volker Bouffier, to employees


Dear employees, A few days before Easter, we are all together facing one of the greatest challenges our country has experienced since World War II: we must contain the spread of CO-VID-19 in order to cure the severely ill and save as many lives as possible.

Image: State Office
Volker Bouffier, Minister President of the State of Hesse

We, too, have had to take tough measures that mean severe cuts to our accustomed lives. We made these decisions with heavy hearts and not lightly, but in the knowledge that this path is necessary. We can only overcome this crisis together, and it is essential that we do everything in our power to also mitigate the economic consequences for our state - for example, through emergency aid programs for the economy.

As employees of the State of Hesse, you have all been doing an outstanding job for weeks under very difficult circumstances. You are all helping - each in his or her own place - to ensure that the public's trust in our state of Hesse and its administration remains unbroken in this severe crisis: With your work, you ensure that people are provided with all necessary government services in these times, and in doing so, you make an immense contribution to combating the pandemic and its consequences. In doing so, you are creative and look for new ways, work far more than can be expected of you and show exemplary commitment. Many of you also provide assistance outside your actual areas of responsibility, such as in the context of procurement measures, the implementation of emergency aid programs or responding to inquiries from citizens seeking help. In doing so, you succeed in fulfilling your responsibility to your families,
for example, in caring for your children, as well as to the citizens of our state.

The people of Hesse know that they can rely on their state and its administration, that each and every one of you is there for them and works for them - that also gives them support and strength.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this great achievement!

In recent weeks, I have been able to see time and again how many people are standing up for each other and doing their work with an admirable attitude - this makes me confident that together we will manage to master the way out of this crisis. In this spirit, I wish you and your families a wonderful Easter and hope that you can enjoy the holidays despite all the circumstances

Volker Bouffier