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06/01/2021 | Pressemitteilung

Impact of urbanization on milk production

The Georg Forster Prize 2020 in the amount of 3,100 euros was awarded to Dr. Marion Reichenbach from the University of Kassel for her dissertation "Dairy production in an urbanizing environment: A system approach in Bengaluru, India". This work was supervised by Prof. Dr. Eva Schlecht at the Department of Animal Husbandry in the Tropics and Subtropics of the Universities of Kassel and Göttingen (joint professorship). The Georg Foster Prize was awarded by the University Society Kassel e.V.

Image: private.
Winner of the Georg Forster Award 2020 Dr. Marion Reichenbach.

The work of Marion Reichenbach investigates the effects of urbanization on milk production. To do this, Reichenbach surveyed 337 dairy farms in Bangalore, India, a city of 10 million, about their milk production and feeding strategies. She also examined the impact of these different feeding approaches on cow performance and health, and on the environment in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. By distinguishing between rural and urban areas, as well as urban fringe areas, the influence of the urban-rural aspect was given special consideration. Depending on the level of urbanization of each neighborhood, the farms either used public pastures or fed their animals organic residues from food production and processing. "Ms. Reichenbach's work is characterized by a very good penetration of animal science issues, and their linkage to important social and environmental challenges faced by farmers in a rapidly growing Indian metropolis," says Prof. Schlecht.

This study thus opens up new perspectives for further research on the impact of urbanization on dairy farming and other livestock systems in so-called developing and emerging countries - both in terms of agricultural science and societal aspects.

Through her field research in the field and the combination of agronomic issues with socio-ecological aspects in the context of the rapidly changing environment of a megacity, Marion Reichenbach's work is interdisciplinary - very much in the spirit of Georg Forster, the award's namesake.

The circumnavigator Georg Forster achieved importance in the 18th century as a travel writer, art historian, ethnologist and natural scientist. Forster taught in Kassel at the Collegium Carolinum from 1778 to 1784. In memory of his numerous research projects, which were interdisciplinary in the best sense of the word, the Kassel University Society awards the prize every two years.

A short presentation in English based on the results of the work is available at


University of Kassel
Graduate Academy
Dr. Isabelle Schulze
Tel.: +49 561 804 1968