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06/22/2021 | Campus-Meldung

On the trail of the bioeconomy in a playful way

Algae could become a food source of the future and already they are experiencing some hype as a healthy supplement. But how does the cultivation of algae work, is it really a possible food source and what are the expectations for the super food?

Image: CoLab

These questions are answered by the third Scivival kit from CoLab - Das Community Labor e.V. The experiment boxes can be ordered free of charge and contain all the materials for exciting experiments with your own algae reactor at home.

The team has come up with something special: The experiments take place within the framework of an escape game, which runs for a good month. Once a week, there is input from the game director, who advances the background story and enables new experiments. At the same time, the players can exchange ideas with other players from all over Germany in a specially set up forum.

In addition, the kit was developed this time as a cooperation project with the plant podcast Krautnah, a team of the RWTH Aachen, and the association Ökoprogressives Netzwerk e.V..

Last year, CoLab, as a team from the University of Kassel, was chosen as one of the 15 winning teams of the university competition of Wissenschaft im Dialog. With a budget of €10,000 funded by the BMBF, the team developed various science communication formats on the theme of the Bioeconomy Science Year.

In the meantime, the team has founded an association for science communication and started to set up an open lab.

The kits can be ordered online at