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07/29/2021 | Pressemitteilung

University of Kassel: Linking STEM subjects with art

Networking STEM subjects with the arts - that is the goal of "doKuMINTa" of the MINT Hub Kassel. Funding is now available from the Stifterverband and the Daimler Fund. A didactically valuable video game shows what this can look like.

Image: Stein-Schomburg
The game Dead Herring is an example of the linking of STEM subjects with art at the University of Kassel. A crime is to be solved playfully by analyzing chemical elements.

The project is headed by Prof. Dr. David Di Fuccia, Prof. Dr. Rita Borromeo Ferri and Prof. Dr. Andreas Meister. "The Hub is a center with the goal of using and bundling existing resources at the University of Kassel, as well as strengthening and expanding the networks between various actors and bringing them to the outside world," explains Prof. Borromeo Ferri.  
The funding from the Stifterverband should make it possible to also bring together artistic and creative aspects with the teaching of scientific and technical aspects located in the MINT Hub.

"Especially for Kassel and especially in the documenta year 2022, the tongue-in-cheek "doKuMINTa" initiative is a great opportunity to position the university far beyond the region as an innovative player in the field of MINT and art. The K stands for art and MINT for mathematics, natural sciences, computer science and technology," explains Prof. Di Fuccia. One example of the linking of art and STEM is the game "Dead Herring VR," developed by the animation department of the art academy in cooperation with the chemistry didactics department of the University of Kassel. The task is to solve a murder case through chemical analyses of traces in the microscopic range. Using a gaming approach, chemistry content for school or university is to be learned in a playful way.

The project management is convinced that the degree of innovation of the concept was decisive for the inclusion in a circle of 15 award-winning Fellow universities. "Seventy universities from all over Germany applied for this funding program," says Prof. Borromeo Ferri. "This highlights the importance of STEM(K) education."

"We as the project management and thus also the University of Kassel can additionally benefit from the award for one year starting in August 2021," says Prof. Meister, "because the 15 Fellow universities will initially work together for one year in a cross-university network accompanied by the Stifterverband and external coaches."

Funding from the "Smart Qualified" program amounts to 10,000 euros in the first year, after which the Fellow universities can apply for further funding for two more years from the Innovation Fund.

"Smart Qualified" is a funding program of the Daimler Fund and the Stifterverband that will address various aspects of qualification at universities in three rounds of calls for proposals between 2019 and 2021. The aim is to promote university initiatives for the future (digital) working world and society.

Prof. Dr. Rita Borromeo Ferri
University of Kassel
Department 10 - Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Didactics of Mathematics, Schewrpunkt Sekundarstuffe I
Tel. +49 561 804-4768
Email: borromeo[at]mathematik.uni-kassel[dot]de

Sebastian Mense
University of Kassel
Communication, Press and Public Relations
Tel.: +49 561 804-1961
E-Mail: presse[at]uni-kassel[dot]de