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11/05/2021 | Pressemitteilung

"Technology Day" provides information on studies and careers

Finding the right field of study: no easy task, especially in times of Corona. Assistance is offered by the "Day of Technology", which provides information about study opportunities and career prospects in computer science and engineering.

Image: Sonja Rode

The "Engineering Day" will take place on November 10 from 9:00 am. It is organized by the three engineering departments of the University of Kassel under the leadership of the Department of Electrical Engineering/Computer Science and with the participation of partners from industry and business.

"The event is aimed at high school students to give them an understanding of the various courses of study and the interesting career opportunities available," explains Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Bangert, co-organizer of "Technology Day" and head of the Microwave Electronics Department at the University of Kassel. "Technological innovations are the engine of our economy. We need a lot of young, bright minds for computer science and engineering."

In addition to the University of Kassel, regional companies are also opening their doors - at least virtually. Together, they present study content, career opportunities and provide insights into the professional world. Due to the ongoing restrictions caused by the pandemic, all presentations will take place online and, for the most part, will be available on the website for up to four weeks after the end of the event.


The program:

09:00 - Welcome and general information.

Computer Science
09:15 - Studying Computer Science
09:50 - tickettoaster - Software Development in the Event Industry
10:20 - How Ideas Become Real Features - Software Engineering in a Team at Yatta  

Civil and Environmental Engineering
09:15 a.m. - Studying Civil/Environmental Engineering
09:50 a.m. - Planning and Managing Traffic Infrastructure - Engineers and Technicians in Road Traffic and Civil Engineering
10:20 a.m. - Planning and Building for People and the Environment

Electrical engineering
11:10 a.m. - Studying electrical engineering
11:45 a.m. - Studying in a practical association today - becoming an engineer at B. Braun tomorrow
12:15 p.m. - Many paths lead to a career as an electrical engineer

Mechanical Engineering
11:10 a.m. - Studying Mechanical Engineering
11:45 a.m. - The HÜBNER Group - Presentation of Design and Development for Technology Day 2021
12:15 p.m. - Factory and Logistics Consulting at the Nexus of Theory and Practice

Further information and registration:


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Bangert
University of Kassel
Dean Department 16 - Electrical Engineering/Computer Science
Phone +49 561 804-6328
E-Mail bangert[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

Dr. An­dre­as Geb­hardt
University of Kassel
Communication, Press and Public Relations
Phone 0561 804-1961