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05/16/2022 | Campus-Meldung

Final theses of landscape architecture and planning awarded

At the Department of Architecture, Urban and Landscape Planning at the University of Kassel, Patrick Putzig and Sebastian Hobmeier were awarded the Ulmer Prize of the Karl Förster Foundation. The prize is awarded to graduates and students of landscape architecture and planning from university and university of applied sciences courses.

Image: Franziska Marquardt.
Group photo: f.l.t.r. Lucas Büscher, Wigbert Riehl, Matthias Ulmer, Patrick Putzig, Sebastian Hobmeier, Stefan Körner, Marianne Mommsen, Heinz Hallmann, Norbert Kühn, Florian Bellin-Harder

The central concern of the Karl Foerster Foundation is to promote awareness of the use of plants as a design tool in landscape architecture and to motivate young professionals to engage with the uniqueness of this building material. To this end, the foundation has been awarding the International Ulmer Prize since 2007, the prize money for which is donated by the publishing house Eugen Ulmer (Stuttgart).

The awarding of the Ulmer Prize 2021 was decided by an expert jury consisting of the representatives of the Board of Trustees of the Karl Foerster Foundation Prof. Heinz Hallmann, Prof. Dr. Bernd Hertle, Prof. Mark Krieger, Marianne Mommsen and Prof. Cassian Schmidt. Two master theses were submitted. Due to the high quality of the submitted theses, the selection committee decided to award two Ulmer Prizes of equal value (€ 2000 each):


Sebastian Hobmeier for his master thesis at the Department of Landscaping, Landscape Management and Vegetation Technology
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Stefan Körner and Dr. Florian Bellin-Harder supervised

Potentials of the combined use of seeding and woody plants in urban areas with a focus on coppicing as a maintenance and design tool in plant use.

The justification for the award states: "The work addresses a current topic. It discusses theoretical principles and derives recommendations for use. The implementation of maintenance-reduced and -simplified plantings, as demonstrated in the work, has the potential to enhance open space quality through imaginative plant use. The work, which is very comprehensive and thoroughly impressive in depth, is therefore judged worthy of the award."


Patrick Putzig for his master thesis at the Department of Landscape Architecture/Technology
Supervisors: Prof. Wigbert Riehl and Lucas Büscher

Treescapes - Design strategies for the site-specific use of woody structures in the city

The justification for the award states: "The work identifies certain distinctive woody structures in the cultural landscape and describes them on the basis of differentiated parameters. These woody structures are explained in terms of their origin and examined for their use in landscape architecture. From the results, the work develops a typology for the use of woody structures in urban landscape architecture. Both the approach and the results found represent exceptional achievements in plant use."

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