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05/25/2022 | Campus-Meldung

Percussion under Beuys trees

As an intervention for the 40th anniversary of the artwork "7000 Eichen - Stadtverwaldung statt Stadtverwaltung" (7000 Oaks - City Forestation instead of City Administration) by Joseph Beuys, the Percussion Ensemble of the University of Kassel will play "TIMBER on Wood" under the Beuys trees on the campus at Holländischer Platz this coming Sunday, May 29, 2022 at 5 pm.

Image: Dominik Scharf.
The percussion ensemble of the Institute of Music, University of Kassel.

On the green space behind the Hörsaal-Zentrum Süd, "TIMBER on Wood" creates a dynamic sound sculpture under the trees. Through the different playing positions on the so-called simantras, wooden percussion instruments, different layers of sound are always created, which set the wooden sound in motion. The construction in a hexagon around the Beuys tree supports this effect. "TIMBER" is played on six wooden simantras with different, undefined pitches. First, the musicians built the instruments themselves, located suitable wood and thus determined the basic tone of the piece, which lasts a good 70 minutes. 

The ash tree at the center of the performance is part of the artwork "7000 E ichen - Stadtverwaldung statt Stadtverwaltung" by Joseph Beuys, which is distributed throughout the city of Kassel. A recognizable feature of the trees belonging to the artwork is a basalt stele placed next to it. Dr. Susanne Völker, Head of the Department of Culture of the City of Kassel, will welcome visitors to the event. In case of rain, the event will take place in the building K19 next door. Admission is free.

The Percussion Ensemble of the University of Kassel has been playing together for many years. Under the direction of Olaf Pyras, it dedicates itself to new and unusual works. At the invitation of the New York composer David Lang, Pyras participated as a soloist in the WOW Festival. From this came contact with the other composers of the collective: Julia Wolfe and Michael Gordon. At his suggestion, the percussion ensemble worked out TIMBER. Last year Gordon invited the ensemble to participate in the Bang on a Can Marathon Festival New York.