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10/13/2022 | Campus-Meldung

University of Kassel launches campaign to save energy

Under the motto "We act together", the University of Kassel is launching an energy-saving campaign to inform and raise awareness among all students and employees about ways to save energy.

The bikld shows a campaign poster
Campaign poster

In the coming weeks, therefore, the topic of saving energy will be impossible to miss via a poster campaign on campus. With the eye-catching posters, the University of Kassel not only wants to implement energy-saving measures to counteract rising energy prices and the threat of gas shortages. It also wants to send a signal for more climate protection. Because only if we all save energy can we become less dependent on fossil fuels and protect the climate in the process!

In recent years, there have already been many technical and structural optimizations at the University of Kassel, and further energy efficiency measures are being implemented. For example, the Green Office has very recently identified technical, organizational and user-oriented energy-saving potential in the buildings of the University Library. Small changes in behavior can make an immediate difference: Around 10 percent less energy can be consumed with conscious behavior alone. The goal is to save as much energy as possible while maintaining security at the sites and not disproportionately restricting usage.

For the energy-saving campaign, the university plans to use its own expertise to gather good ideas, which will be displayed on a virtual board as well as incorporated into the Green Office idea workshops. In addition, volunteer energy coordinators are being sought to be available on site to provide guidance on the sustainable use of electricity and heat in buildings. For more information, you can subscribe to the Green Office newsletter. This will provide regular updates on energy saving tips, promotions and events offered within the campaign.

On November 22, the university will start with action days in the Campus Center around energy saving. Planned are hands-on activities, expert lectures, demonstrations and consulting services. Another day of action will be held in December and finally in February 2023. Further information will follow.


Registration for the virtual board:

Sign up for the newsletter:

Anyone who would like to become a volunteer energy coordinator, contact the Green Office.



Green Office
Nadine Chrubasik
Coordinator Green Office
Nora Platiel-Straße 2
D- 34125 Kassel
Tel: 0561 804 2519
Mail: greenoffice[at]uni-kassel[dot]de