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04/11/2019 | Campus-Meldung

As of May 6 "Studierendenwerk Kassel

Dining halls and cafeterias, dormitories and childcare, BAföG and counseling - the Studentenwerk Kassel is the social service provider for Kassel's students. And it will soon change its name to "Studierendenwerk Kassel".

Image: Harry Soremski.
View of the new dining room at Holländischer Platz.

The decision to change the name was already taken in 2017 by the administrative board of the Studentenwerk. The six-member body, chaired by Dr. Oliver Fromm, Chancellor of the University of Kassel, represents the university and students as well as the employees of the Studentenwerk. However, the practical implementation of the renaming will still take some time for reasons of economic efficiency. Initially, the new name and the corresponding logo will appear on the website, on stationery and on the lettering of the administrative headquarters. After that, they will be included on all new purchases that are due anyway, from stamps to residence hall signs. "We are using the renaming to simultaneously update our aging visual identity to reflect the times," says Managing Director Christina Walz. The Kassel Student Union will be the second student union in Hesse, after Darmstadt.