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05/23/2019 | Campus-Meldung

Adjunct professorship for mathematician from Kassel at the University of Maryland

Prof. Dr. Andreas Meister has received the title of Adjunct Professor at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), USA. UMBC has been one of the "best upcoming universities" in the USA for many years.

Image: Sonja Rode.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Meister.

In addition to his many years of research and teaching there, Prof. Meister is the initiator of university-wide cooperation between the University of Kassel and UMBC. Through Prof. Meister's ForMath project, which has been continuously funded by the DAAD since 2015 until at least 2023, many students of the University of Kassel have already been able to spend a semester abroad at UMBC without paying tuition fees. Likewise, numerous students from UMBC have already come to the University of Kassel.

"I am delighted about the award from UMBC" said Prof. Meister, "because in addition to my teaching and research activities, the presidium of UMBC hereby also recognizes the good relationship with the University of Kassel in terms of our long-standing cooperation."