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07/02/2019 | Campus-Meldung

Construction work: What you need to know for the way to the university

There will be a lot of construction work in downtown Kassel in the coming weeks. There will be some restrictions for KVG passengers and for drivers who want to get to the Holländischer Platz campus.

Image: Photo manufactory JL.

Passengers coming from the direction of Baunatal on line 5 will have to change trains: Coming from the south, Line 5 runs via Ständeplatz and Scheidemannplatz only as far as the main station. It is best to change at Scheidemannplatz to line 1, RT1 or RT4.

All other streetcar lines that normally run through Obere Königsstraße are also diverted via Ständeplatz and Lutherplatz, but then continue as normal from Stern. The reason is construction work on Königsstraße, which will continue until August 31.

Drivers coming from the east to Holländischer Platz must also be prepared for obstructions. Schützenstraße will be closed to traffic heading into the city, with detours via Ysenburgstraße and Weserstraße. The construction work is expected to last until August 12.

From August 12, the construction of a crosswalk across Weserstraße between Katzensprung and Weserspitze at the level of Magazinstraße, secured by traffic lights, will start. For this purpose, the roadway will be reduced to one lane.

At the beginning of October, Weserstraße is expected to be fully closed for a short period, from October 4 to 6. The reason is a complete roadway rehabilitation.