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05/03/2016 | Pressemitteilung

Civil engineering at the University of Kassel in first place in CHE ranking

The University of Kassel is Germany's top place to study civil engineering - that is the result of the latest ranking by the Center for Higher Education Development (CHE). Other subjects at the University of Kassel are also convincing in the survey, the results of which were published on on Monday afternoon.

Those who study civil engineering at the University of Kassel thus find very good study conditions, are very likely to finish in a reasonable time and have very good contact with professional practice. In the fourth criterion of the ranking, the acquisition of research funds, the subject lands in a midfield position. In the overall ranking, this gives the University of Kassel first place among the civil engineering programs at 21 German universities surveyed.

Other subjects at the University of Kassel also perform well: Electrical engineering is also in the top group for "completion in a reasonable time" and "contact with professional practice"; mechanical engineering impresses with its contact with professional practice, mechatronics with rapid completion; psychology students rate the overall study situation as above average; biology students praise the teaching of scientific skills and access to laboratory practicals. In addition to facts about studying, teaching and research, the CHE survey includes students' judgments about the study conditions at their university.

"In recent years, the University of Kassel has made massive efforts to improve study conditions in all subjects. The good results in this ranking are further proof that we are on the right track," said a pleased Prof. Dr. Andreas Hänlein, Vice President of Kassel University. "The CHE ranking confirms in trend what our own surveys of our students have already shown: Kassel University is an excellent place to study successfully." In these surveys, students had recently given the university exceptionally high marks.

Among the measures with which the University of Kassel has improved conditions in recent years are:

  • Close-knit quality management of the degree programs.
  • The successful integration of practice-relevant training elements
  • Pre-courses, further didactic training for lecturers and similar  support services as part of the Teaching Quality Pact
  • Around 80 additional teaching positions as part of the Higher Education Pact 2020 over the past three years to cope with the increased student numbers
  • New buildings such as the Campus Center, inaugurated in 2015, and the just-completed addition to the Engineering Sciences III building.

Hänlein continued, "Where the CHE survey still locates opportunities for improvement, we will explore ways to do so." He said this relates in particular to the acquisition of research funding. Here, the university's new presidium has already set ambitious goals.

The Dean of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Prof. Dr. Volkhard Franz, explains the ranking success for the civil engineering subject as follows: "Our degree programs are close to practice and consistently oriented to the needs of engineering education and students. That's why our graduates are already really fit for the job market after the bachelor's degree, which lasts seven semesters with us." The following master's degree then takes three semesters.

The  CHE University Ranking is, according to its own information, the most comprehensive and detailed  such ranking in the German-speaking world. It is published by DIE ZEIT. All results at


Photo at

Caption: Ultra-high-strength concrete being tested at the department, which is being further developed at the University of Kassel. Photo: Pavo Blafield for Uni Kassel.



Sebastian Mense
University of Kassel
Communications, Press and Public Relations
Tel: +49 561 804-1961