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02/04/2019 | Campus-Meldung

Biographical miniatures about great economists from Kassel economist

Prof. Dr. Björn Frank not only teaches and researches as an economist at the University of Kassel; the economist has already written several popular science publications. On February 12, his latest book "Zu Keynes passt das nicht - Vom Leben und Sterben großer Ökonomen" will be published. Included are 12 short biographies of great economists, knowledgeably and loosely described.

Image: Sonja Rode.

The selected economists range from Cantillon to Bentham, from Keynes to Schumpeter. What all the protagonists have in common is that their demise was quite unusual.

Frank worked for five years on the publication, which he wrote in addition to his academic duties as a professor.

Prof. Dr. Björn Frank
University of Kassel
Institute of Economics
Tel.: +49 561 804-7187
E-mail: frank[at]uni-kassel[dot]de