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07/16/2019 | Campus-Meldung

DAAD Prize 2018 goes to mechanical engineering student Kyle Kenney

Mechanical engineering student Kyle Kenney has received the 2018 DAAD Award for Outstanding Achievement by Foreign Students. The prize of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), which is endowed with 1,000 euros, was recently presented during the campus festival of the University of Kassel.

Image: University of Kassel.
Keyle Kenney, 2018 DAAD Award Winner at the University of Kassel.

After earning a bachelor's degree in linguistics in Canada, the student decided to pursue another field in another country: mechanical engineering in Germany. Kenney came to Kassel in September 2012 from Liverpool, a small town on the south coast of the Maritime Province of Nova Scotia in Canada.

In their recommendations, Prof. Dr. Stefan Böhm (Head of the Department of Separating and Joining Manufacturing Processes) and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marcus Ziegler (Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering/Computer Science) not only emphasize Kenney's achievements in his studies, but also value his commitment outside of his studies. The 32-year-old not only brings his creative ideas, mathematical knowledge and skills to bear in his work as a student assistant at the Institute for Separating and Joining Manufacturing Processes. He also uses them for interdisciplinary collaboration with the art academy. On the occasion of documenta 14 (2017), Kenney developed a special 3-D printer.

Another point is Kenney's international engagement. He organized international regulars' tables, supervised international students or doctoral students, and planned excursions. For four semesters, he worked as a tutor for international students and supported the Welcome Center by offering a workshop free of charge.