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11/21/2019 | Campus-Meldung

DHM Taekwondo: Gold, silver and bronze go to the University of Kassel

A whole set of medals of the German University Championships Taekwondo 2019 went to the University of Kassel! Julia Dunkel and Manuel Krischke were able to record this great success for themselves on November 3 in Gelnhausen.

Image: Julia Dunkel.
Manuel Krischke and Julia Dunkel achieved bronze in the category "Poomsae Paarlauf" at the German University Championships Taekwondo 2019.

Both have been training together for over 16 years, are multiple Hesse champions and coaches at VfL Kassel. At the German University Taekwondo Championships, they competed together in the category "Poomsae Pairs" - fixed movement sequences that are not only judged on their correctness of execution, but also on strength, dynamics and synchronicity. Not much was missing for the final, nevertheless Dunkel and Krischke are satisfied with bronze.

In addition, both started in the "freestyle class". This category is characterized by self-composed movement sequences from elements of Taekwondo and acrobatics to a specially selected music. Other than in the "Poomsae Pair" Julia and Manuel started this time in the "Single". Here, too, the two student teachers were able to shine: Silver went to Dunkel in the women's class, gold to Krischke in the men's. They thus completed the set of medals in the form of the adh pins.

The two athletes from Kassel were among the most successful on this day and were even nominated for the European Games 2020 in Serbia. Thus they are allowed to represent the University of Kassel for Germany at this big event of more than 20 sports in the category "Taekwondo Freestyle".