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04/26/2019 | Berichte aus den Bereichen

First UNIfit Active Mind Challenge

After the numerous and successful university sports events, such as the UNI League or the Christmas Tournament Week, the UNIfit Active-Mind-Challenge took place for the first time on Wednesday, April 24, 2019, at the University of Kassel's own fitness center at the Aueparkhalle.

Image: University of Kassel.

There were 10 teams of 4-5 participants each, who were accompanied by a total of 9 trainers and breathed life into the gym from 4 p.m. onwards. Participation was open to all members, of course, but also to non-members, mainly students of the University of Kassel, which is why UNIfit also welcomed many new faces.

Each team was tested in four different challenges, which included quiz questions, estimation questions as well as movement tasks to be solved in a team. Because every athlete knows that not only strength and endurance, but also concentration, skill and keeping a cool head play an important role in sports. 

What the participants also quickly noticed: It was especially important to use the strengths of each team member in a tactically correct way.

At 18:15, the winners of the individual disciplines and the overall winners were announced. The team, which was appropriately named "Die Spontanen" (The Spontaneous Ones), moved up at short notice due to the cancellation of another team, and in the end took the first prize. Close behind, on second place, was the team "Äwoukädoe" and third place went to "Checker Tobi und die Superlappens".

The atmosphere was great and not only the trainers but also the participants had a lot of fun. The event was a complete success and the UNIfit team is looking forward to start a new round next year.