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12/18/2014 | Wissenschaftliche Standpunkte

Department of Political Science at the University of Kassel supports commitment against racism

The Department of Political Science at the University of Kassel welcomes the campaign of the "Bündnis gegen Rechts" (Alliance against the Right) and the participating associations, trade unions, churches, political groups and parties for a "Kassel for all" and a cosmopolitan city.

Here is the statement of the specialist group: 

Formations like KAGIDA stir up fears and unease in society and instrumentalize them for a general mood against migrants, Muslims, asylum seekers, refugees or the diversity of sexual orientation. A racist climate prepares the breeding ground for attacks on people - the recent arson attacks on refugee shelters bear witness to this.

The Department of Political Science at the University of Kassel resolutely opposes anti-Islamic agitation and all forms of racism. Instead, in research and teaching, it lives a daily coexistence of diversity, regardless of religion and origin. This applies to our seminars and lectures, in which we benefit from the wealth of experience of students from Germany and abroad, as well as to our research contexts, in which we practice international science in diverse cooperations, study programs and student exchanges.

Against this background, the professors and staff of the department welcome diverse civil society engagement against racism and support the call for the demonstration on December 22nd "Kassel for all - for a Kassel open to the world". 

In addition, the specialist group invites the Kassel public to the lecture series "Right-wing populism and right-wing extremism in Europe", which takes place on Wednesdays at 6 p.m. in Diagonale 5 Lecture Hall III. The thirteen events will inform and discuss the ideological justifications and organizational forms of a populism and extremism from the right as well as possible strategies of prevention. Representatives from various scientific disciplines and fields of practice, from history, education, political science, linguistics, psychology, social work and sociology will speak.