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10/25/2018 | Pressemitteilung

Grimm Poetics Professor Klaus Hoffer: Public events on November 7 and 8.

On November 7 and 8, this year's holder of the Grimm Poetics Professorship, Klaus Hoffer, will give his inaugural lecture and a public reading. Exceptionally, the dates of the Poetics Professorship thus take place in the winter semester. The University of Kassel honors the Austrian author for his literary oeuvre.

Image: Stefanie Kreuzer.
Klaus Hoffer.

Klaus Hoffer (75) became known as a contemporary author through his two-part novel "Bei den Bieresch" (1979/83) and the story "Am Magnetberg" (1982). He has also published concrete-poetic and autoreflexive prose texts and essays as well as novel fragments. His fictional texts are narratively complex in structure and often densely interwoven intertextually. He has already received several prizes for his literary texts, such as the Alfred Döblin Prize, the Manuskripte Prize, and the Rauriser Literature Prize. As a translator, Hoffer has also translated several classics of English-language literature - such as those by Joseph Conrad, Raymond Carver and Kurt Vonnegut - into German.

Hoffer's public inaugural lecture will take place Nov. 7, 2018, from 8 to 10 p.m. in Lecture Hall 1, Campus Center. It will be followed the next day by a reading, also open to the public, from his novel "Bei den Bieresch": Nov. 8, 6 to 8 p.m., Lecture Hall 1, Campus Center.

In addition, Hoffer will hold a Nov. 8 poetics seminar for University students titled "Texts from Texts. Literary Paraphrase."

The Kassel Brothers Grimm Poetics Professorship has been awarded annually at the University of Kassel - with the support of Kasseler Sparkasse - since 1985. The poetics professorship is named after the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, who lived and worked in Kassel. The Poetics Professorship is not to be confused with the Professorship for "The Work and Impact of the Brothers Grimm" (Holger Ehrhardt).

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