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09/13/2019 | Campus-Meldung

Local Transport Days 2019 in Kassel on the topic of "Financing Public Transport

On September 19 and 20, 2019, the Local Transport Days will take place with the future topic "Financing in public transport: between performance-based e-tariffs, low-cost flats and third-party user financing". The event in the south wing of the KulturBahnhof Kassel has already been fully booked for months with 230 participants.


The Local Transport Days 2019 would like to answer the following questions: How should public transport be financed in the future? What new concepts are there for tariff design? What are the effects of introducing new fare approaches or low-cost flats? Which instruments of third-party user financing can be used as a third pillar, in addition to user and budget financing? How effective are these approaches? How can these instruments be implemented in a legally sound manner?

The contributions and speakers offer a renowned cross-section on the topic: For example, the Luxembourg Minister of Transport, François Bausch, and a representative of Wiener Linien, Alfred Almeder (topic Vienna Model: "365-Euro Annual Pass"), will talk about financing models for public transport. In the course of an evening event, top-class participants will discuss the topic "Local public transport for all - at what price?" under the moderation of Max Moor (among others ARD presenter).

The content and program are the responsibility of Prof. Dr. Carsten Sommer, Head of the Department of Transportation Planning and Systems at the University of Kassel. The Local Transport Days are jointly organized by the University of Kassel, Kasseler Verkehrs-Gesellschaft, Nordhessischer Verkehrsverbund, Deutsche Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (DVWG) Nordhessen and Regionalmanagement Nordhessen.

Further information:

Press representatives are cordially invited.



Prof. Dr. Carsten Sommer
University of Kassel
Head of Department Traffic Planning and Transport Systems
Mönchebergstraße 7
34109 Kassel
Tel.: +49 561 804-3381
E-mail: c.sommer[at]uni-kassel[dot]de