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01/11/2019 | Campus-Meldung

Open for diversity - united against exclusion

The University of Kassel is setting an example for cosmopolitanism, tolerance and diversity. At the end of 2018, it joined the joint initiative of various business enterprises and associations from the Kassel region.

Image: University of Kassel.

The initiative "Open for Diversity - United against Exclusion" is supported by Wintershall, the HÜBNER Group, K + S Aktiengesellschaft, Kasseler Sparkasse and the Schaltbau Bode Group.

"We are a diverse university. That's why it's important for us to be part of it and together set an example against discrimination," says Diversity Coordinator Katarzyna Friedrich-Fil. Together with other university employees, she is spreading the word at building entrances on campus.

Supporters of the campaign can order free signs to hang in their offices. "Open for Diversity" is on the front, "United Against Exclusion" on the back.

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