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12/06/2018 | Campus-Meldung

Prof. Stefan Seuring in "Highly Cited Researchers 2018" List

The Web of Knowledge list of Highly Cited Researchers includes Prof. Dr. Stefan Seuring, Head of the Department of Supply Chain Management at the University of Kassel. The list is published by Clarivate Analytics, a service provider for scientists.

Image: private.
Prof. Dr. Stefan Seuring.

According to the company, the list includes researchers who have had a particular influence on their specialist community through their publications over the past decade, with several of their scientific contributions being among the top 1% of cited papers in the research field. Prof. Seuring is listed as an interdisciplinary researcher who has published in several subject areas. Included in the current edition are 6078 individuals worldwide, 356 of whom are from Germany, 14 from Hesse.

To the list: