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08/20/2018 | Campus-Meldung

Project Vita-B is looking for test persons: How much stress do you have when driving?

In a cooperation between the University of Kassel and TROUT GmbH, a system is being developed to display cognitive states while driving. The data on fatigue or stress will be used for further applications in medical technology. Fitness, aviation and aerospace. Test persons are now being sought for the study.

The Vita-B project has been running since April 2017. Florian Heidecker from the Department of Electrical Engineering/Computer Science, Intelligent Embedded Systems, coordinates the project at the University of Kassel. The project's lead partner is TROUT GmbH.

The goal of the project is to develop intelligent algorithms that can be used to collect vitality data from participants. In the study, the test subjects will be tested in various situations, including in a virtual reality 3D driving simulator.

For the first part of the study, which is currently underway, subjects are still being sought who are interested in participating and are over the age of 16. These please contact us at: Interested persons who do not have time until September 2018 can also contact us by mail, as there will be one more study run.

The project is funded by Hessen ModellProjekte with funds from LOEWE - Landes-Offensive zur Entwicklung Wissenschaftlich-ökonomischer Exzellenz, Förderlinie 3: KMU-Verbundvorhaben.

Florian Heidecker, M.Eng.
University of Kassel
Department of Intelligent Embedded Systems
Phone: +49 561 804-6018
E-mail: florian.heidecker[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

Michael Knötig
Phone: +49 561 810497-18
E-mail: m.knoetig[at]trout-gmbh[dot]de