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04/17/2019 | Campus-Meldung

Lecture Series on the "Legal Turnaround in Latin America

In the summer semester 2019, a lecture series on the topic of "Rechtswende in Lateinamerika" will take place, organized by CELA (Centro de estudios latinoamericanos). Starting April 24, the dates are Wednesdays from 6:15 to 7:45 p.m., Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5, room 0019. To kick off the lecture, Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Burchardt, Department of International and Inter-Societal Relations, will give a lecture on "Zeitwende? Latin America's Missed Opportunities and New Crises".

The recent electoral victories of the political right in various Latin American countries have heralded a change of political direction in South America in recent years. With the coming into office of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, who is considered by many to be a right-wing populist and radical, this political trend is intensifying in a disturbing way.

The planned lecture series will refer to these current events, but also to historical backgrounds, because in addition to analyses from political science, historical contributions on the traditions of right-wing or left-wing movements in Latin America are also planned. Another focus is on cultural studies approaches, in which literature, films and social discourses will be addressed.

A special date is Thursday, June 6: As part of Campusfest, a panel discussion on "Latin America's Turn to the Right - Lessons for Latin America and Germany" will be held at the Campus Center. Discussing: Oliver Precht, Carolina Vestena, Gert Wiegel and Raul Zelik.

The lectures will take place on Wednesdays from 18:15-19:45 in Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5, room 0019.



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