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12/05/2018 | Campus-Meldung

Logging smartphone use: Subjects wanted for research project

Prof. Dr. Johannes Zimmermann from the University of Kassel is investigating smartphone use in a study in cooperation with the TU Berlin. Participation is possible until the end of 2018.

Image: Felix Beierle

The Android app TYDR - Track Your Daily Routine - was developed specifically for the study and displays statistics about the user's smartphone use, such as how long the phone is used every day or how many selfies are taken.

After filling out questionnaires, a personality profile can be viewed. A study is currently being conducted with TYDR. Participants fill out a multiple choice questionnaire every evening for 21 days.

Participation is still possible until Dec. 31, 2018. Registration runs directly through the app.
More info:
TYDR on Google Play:

Prof. Dr. Johannes Zimmermann
University of Kassel
Tel.: +49 561804-3833
Email: jz[at]uni-kassel[dot]de