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12/02/2015 | Wissenschaftliche Standpunkte

Statement of the Senate of the University of Kassel from 2.12.2015

The University is a space of free research and teaching, open debate and peaceful communication.

Scientific discourse demands respect for other opinions and for people, regardless of origin, religion and gender. Personal denigration is detrimental to the culture of science and cannot be tolerated.

Nor is it acceptable for members of the university to deny professional competence and reputation to certain scientific disciplines. Scientific progress also arises from the dialogue between the disciplines. Especially a university is the space where natural, technical, social, cultural and human sciences cooperate productively. 

The University of Kassel is particularly aware of its social responsibility. It advocates research that addresses new societal challenges, that deals with heterogeneity and diversity in society, and that looks for ways to shape coexistence in the 21st century. 

Therefore, the University of Kassel cannot accept it when disciplines that do important work in this field, such as gender studies, are denied scientific legitimacy. Nor can it accept the blanket defamation of social groups such as refugees. The University of Kassel distances itself resolutely from the image of humanity that is expressed in this. It stands for an image of man and society that combines diversity and equality.