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07/13/2018 | Berichte aus den Bereichen

Conference Report "Jornada Internacional de Estudios Latinoamericanos," June 25-29.

Under the title "¡Crisis! - ¿qué crisis? Desigualdades sociales y ambientales en América Latina", this year's Jornada Internacional took place at the University of Kassel from June 25 to 29. The Jornada was organized by the DAAD Visiting Professorship of Prof. Dr. Rebeca Ramos from Cuba, by the María Sibylla Merian Center CALAS and the Latin America Center of the University of Kassel CELA, which opened in May of this year. True to the motto of Kassel's Latin America research, not to research about Latin America, but with Latin America, the conference was international.

Renowned scholars from nine different countries presented their current research on social and ecological inequality and crisis phenomena for discussion. Among other things, current developments in the exploitation of raw materials - especially in Argentina and Ecuador - were presented, as well as economic policy measures and their effects on social formations, or social inequalities and possible responses in Cuba.

The topicality and explosive nature of the subject matter became apparent in the intensive exchange that followed the presentations, which not only highlighted cross-connections and points of intersection between the individual projects, but also fostered insights that are of interest for current developments in Germany and Europe. The Jornada Internacional thus provided an opportunity for about 40 scientists from different nations and disciplines to debate with each other at a high level and to establish and deepen further research contacts.

The Jornada Internacional testifies to the lively Latin American research at the University of Kassel, which not only addresses the scientific community, but also radiates into the city and region of Kassel. Thus, the German-language evening lecture by Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters (Instituto Colombo Alemán para la Paz - CAPAZ, Bogotá on June 28 was aimed at a broad audience. Prof. Peters gave a comprehensive examination of the peace process in Colombia after the presidential elections, also highlighting the less obvious perspectives arising from current trends.

The participants considered the Jornada Internacional a great success. In particular, the interdisciplinary exchange, through which humanities and social sciences jointly explored the various facets of crises and approaches to solutions, but also the regional comparison, which allowed individual country representatives to compare their positions with other experiences in Latin America and Germany, was rated as very inspiring. With CALAS and CELA, two new institutions have started their work that will significantly enrich German research on Latin America and from which we can expect much more.


Further information:



Simone Mwangi
University of Kassel
Institute for Romance Studies
Phone: +49 561 804-3346