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09/09/2019 | Pressemitteilung

TROPENTAG at the University of Kassel

From September 18 to 20, the TROPENTAG, the largest conference in Central Europe on the subject of sustainable agriculture in the tropics and subtropics, will take place in Kassel. More than 800 participants from around 60 countries are expected to attend the event. The opening lecture will be given by Tony Rinaudo, winner of the Alternative Nobel Prize 2018. The event is jointly organized by the Universities of Kassel and Göttingen.

Image: Kassel University

During the three-day conference, participants will discuss opportunities and obstacles arising from current agricultural and forestry use in the tropics and subtropics. "Against the backdrop of climate change and population growth, the sustainable management of natural resources in the tropics and subtropics is becoming increasingly explosive," says Professor Eva Schlecht. She heads the Chair of Animal Husbandry in the Subtropics and Tropics at the Universities of Kassel and Göttingen and is responsible for organizing this year's TROPENTAG together with her colleague Professor Bernhard Brümmer from the Georg-August University of Göttingen.

TROPENTAG is a conference focused on development and interdisciplinary collaboration. "The goal is to expand and improve the management of resources in general, but especially of natural resources, in developing countries," summarizes Professor Brümmer. In doing so, ecological, economic and social aspects must be given equal consideration. During the conference, more than 100 lectures will be held on a variety of topics - from plant genetics and marketing opportunities for products to the role of women and young people in rural regions.

Particularly relevant are the discussion papers by renowned experts  - including, among others, Dr. Immaculate N. Maina, who as Regional Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Cooperatives is implementing agricultural innovations in Kenya's Nakuru Province, and Dr. Tony Rinaudo, who was awarded the "Right Livelihood Award" in December 2018 for his simple and efficient method of naturally reforesting degraded soils and vegetation cover in the Sahel region. This prize, also known in this country as the "Alternative Nobel Prize," is awarded annually by a Swedish foundation and is a distinction for people who work to solve pressing issues of our time.

For the first time at this TROPENTAG, so-called "Meet & Greet" seminars will be organized to provide a platform for young scientists to exchange ideas with the invited experts, for example on a career-relevant or application-related topic.

TROPENTAG takes place once a year and is sponsored by three federal ministries (BMBF, BMEL, BMZ) and a large number of foundations, companies and organizations. In addition to the extensive scientific program, participants are also offered the opportunity to take part in excursions in Kassel, Göttingen and the surrounding area - among other things, the program includes a guided tour of the "Edible City" association in Kassel and a visit to the tropical greenhouse in Witzenhausen. Next year, TROPENTAG will then take place in Prague.



Tropical Center (Department of Ecological Agricultural Sciences at the University of Kassel)
Steinstraße 19
D-37213 Witzenhausen

Phone: +49 98-1372
E-mail: info[at]tropentag[dot]de