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08/15/2018 | Campus-Meldung

Farewell after 37 years of board work in the UGK

With a large bouquet of flowers and many words of praise, Mr. Fehr, Chairman of the Universitätsgesellschaft Kassel e.V. (UGK), thanked Mrs. Sabine Anselmann-Seydler for 37 years of active board work at the Universitätsgesellschaft Kassel e.V..

Image: UGK.
Andreas Fehr and Sabine Anselmann-Seydler.

"After 37 years, something else is allowed to come along," says Ms. Anselmann-Seydler. She never gets bored: She has many projects in which she is involved. For example, she supports artists who still have some stumbling blocks to overcome on their way up, or organizes exhibitions worldwide. And she will also stay with the UGK for a while. Being a networker for the UGK and thus also for the University of Kassel is always fun, and as Mr. Fehr says with a wink: "As a "stopgap" we will always be happy to fall back on her".

Ms. Anselmann-Seydler has been actively involved in the Board since 1981. She has raised and supported many "children" in this long time, from the Poster Prize to the International House to the Boathouse. She is well known and those who know her, and there are quite a few in the University of Kassel, know her amiable way of standing up for things and not resting until she has achieved her goal.

Thus, she was and is an active ambassador of the university - the University of Kassel emphatically joins the UGK Board in thanking her.