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Lecture Christian Felber: Do economy and ethics go together?
On May 17, 2019, Christian Felber (Vienna) will come to the University of Kassel. He is the initiator of the "Bank for the Common Good" project and the "Common Good Economy" (GWÖ). His books "Ethical World Trade" and "The Common Good Economy" are bestsellers. The latter received the ZEIT Wissen Prize in 2017.
In his lecture, Felber introduces the GWÖ - an ethical economic model that shows how economics and ethics can go together. The model is built on community-enhancing values and is thus a lever for change at the economic, political and social levels.
The public event is also the kick-off of the spring conference of the Ökumenische Initiative eine Welt e.V. (ÖIEW). It takes place in cooperation with UniKasselTransfer/Service Learning and the GWÖ Regional Group Kassel, which was founded in 2018.
At the spring conference of ÖIEW, the topic will be deepened under the title "Wirtschaften für das Leben - Auf zu einer globalen Ethik". All interested parties are invited to the conference in Germete near Kassel from May 18 to 19.
At the University of Kassel (Witzenhausen), a practical seminar (service learning) on responsible business management will be held in the summer semester 2019. With the help of students, regional companies in the agricultural and food sector will create a common good balance sheet. They are accompanied by the Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie regional group Kassel, which wants to win over more companies for GWÖ in the future.